Articles and excerpts from the Club






I hope you all had a very good Christmas and New Year. If, like me, you got some sort of flu bug in your Christmas stocking, my commiserations. I do know that quite a few of you were ill in the week coming up to Christmas and I hope you recovered in time.

The Christmas party went with a swing for those of us fit enough to turn up. It's amazing how many talented people we have in the club. The concert was very good and I certainly enjoyed it. I must say I was disappointed with the turnout for the Christmas meeting. I know many people were ill but when we discussed it at previous meetings, you all seemed to think it was a good idea. However, those of us who did attend, had a great time. It's amazing what you can do to improvise with decorations and Dennis Warran makes a really good Korma Curry.

Thursday 23rd December saw nine of us at the USS Lutonia disco. Again, a super evening, spent with really good company. The Lutonia crew really made us welcome.

We have a lot o good things planned for 2000 and more details will follow. However, we really need your help, ideas, participation and co-operation to make them work. We are also looking to change the venue of the meetings, again more details later.

I must remind all those who paid the subscriptions in June and July 1999 that subs are due once more. The charge for visitors is being raised to £2.50 plus 50p for the Newsletter. For Members the Newsletter is included in the subscription.

We have been going for six months now and I feel it is time to take stock. To look at what is good and what needs improving. For this we need your input. We need to know what it is YOU want. This is a New Year, so it is time to see where we are and where we need to go.

Several charities have written to ask for our support this year. It will be good for us to help those less fortunate than ourselves, get a good profile and have fun at the same time.

I hope to see you all at the meetings in January & February at the Sea Cadet Unit, Bury St Edmunds.

Until we meet again, good health, best wishes and a happy New Year.

Commodore Anarita Jat




6th January Aaron Eisenberg Nog (DS9)
7th January Mark Allen Shepeard Morn (DS9)
12th January Kirstie Alley Saavik (ST2: The Wrath of Khan
20th January De Forest Kelley Dr. Leonard McCoy (Bones) - RIP
24th January David Gerrold Scriptwriter
27th January James Cromwell Zefrem Cochrane


23rd January Ann Thomas Commodore Anarita Jat






Anarita Jat Fleet Captain Commodore
T'Pina Commander Captain
Jeanette Warran Lieutenant (junior grade) Lieutenant
David Canning NCO Ensign
Louise Gallagher NCO Ensign
Memo Cadet Cadet 3rd Class

Klingon Embassy




Ke'reth Commander Captain (Klingon Imperial Navy)
b'sel Lieutenant (junior grade) Lieutenant (KIN)
Q'req Cadet Cadet 3rd Class

Civilian Service Awards

Seaspirit Christie Civilian Service Award Level 3






Michael Hedley Cadet Cadet 3rd Class
Jess Hedley Cadet Cadet 3rd Class




  • 16th January - 410 Club Meeting
  • 21st January - USS Lutonia Meeting
  • 20th February - 410 Club Meeting
  • 11th March - Street Cllection for Rethink Disabilty
  • 19th March - 410 Club Meeting
  • 9th April - Holiday Explorers Walk, Needham Lakes
  • 15th April - 40th Birthday Party for Jeanette
  • 21st May - 410 Club Meeting
  • 18th June - 410 Club Meeting



nuqneH (Greetings), from the Empire.

I've just finished talking to Chancellor Martok via Subspace and I must tell you, that from what I saw behind him as we spoke; the planet TyGokor's High Council Chamber has never looked finer. Due, in part, to the decorations that have been put up for the annual 'Kahless Day' celebrations. Replicas of the great sword hang above every door, and the central firepit glows with an almost otherworldly fierceness....

The room is dominated by a throne, finished in gold pressed Latinum. This is where the clone of the Emperor will sit and ceremoniously hold court for the 14 hours, from dawn to dusk. Just as Kahless himself would have done, if he had been here....

It should be a great party, for most; as well as, a solemn time of reflection for others. Coming, as it does, only 12 short days before the 'Day of Honour'. A day when warriors all over the Empire must justify their deeds and actions of the previous year. Then it's back to the drinking, womanising, fighting and the brawling. There is a distinct difference between fighting and brawling to a Klingon Warrior. Fighting is usually to the death. We brawl for exercise; the same way that some terrans practice Martial Arts. It's going to be some party, I can tell you.

Martok has convinced the, near legendary, Klingon Opera Singer Barak Kadan to sing for the Emperor. Then there are the beautiful Blade Dancers. These are women who have turned sword play into a highly ritualised series of dance like, almost erotic, movements. Bur I advise anyone against getting too close to these lovely ladies, as the loss of limbs is often undesired.....

We also have 'Mojahn the Giant' from the planet Ra'agth Prime, on the outer borders of the Empire. A warrior who stands at over 7 feet high. He'll be wrestling anyone crazy enough to challenge him....


My new Chief of Staff has officially begun her duties here, at the Embassy. Her name is b'Sel. She is the daughter of K'Dritlh [father] and MaghDeh [mother]. Perhaps, with my new Chief of Staff, I can build my Embassy into an organisation that all warriors can be proud of....

For my language lesson this month, I have decided to start with some basic sentences. So. please let me introduce you to the Klingon word 'rur'. It's a little word isn't it? But, like all little words, it has an important place to fill. It's the word used to compare one thing or ideal with another, and it always comes at the end of the sentence. For example:


Let's try the following:

bortaS blr rur As cold, as revenge
gre'thor qulmey tuj rur As hot, as the fires of grethor
verengan nuch rur As cowardly, as a Ferengi
vulqangan sovtaH rur As knowledgeable, as a Vulcan
yIH lIbe' rur As useless, as a Tribble
ram qIj rur As black, as night
truHingan qan rur As old, as a Trill

Some popular/useful phrases:

Duj tlvoqtaH Always trust your instincts
bortaS Bir jablu DI'reH QaQu' nay' Revenge is a dish best served cold
blreghbe'chugh vaj blHegh Surrender or die?
tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a' Do you speak Klingon?
HIjol Beam me aboard

DaHjaj Hol wIghoj, wa'leS wo' wIghaj. A selection of new words for your Klingon Language archive.

yor Top (As in top of an object)
yuvtlhe' Top (As in lid or cover of an object) [read 'tlh' as 'K']
'aqroS Top (As in, inside the lid of an object)
rav'eq Ceiling
pIrmuS Bottom (The interior base of a container)
bLS'ub Inside (As in, Inside of a Container)
tlhoy Too much (An excess of something e.g too much water. Said as 'Koy'.
ret Ago (Awhile ago, a time period before now)
pIq The opposite of above, as in a time from now.
ghal Envy or Jealousy

The Klingon Langauge Institute can be contacted at:

It has been an honour to instruct you. Qapla'

Ke'reth zantai Makura
Ambassador - Klingon Embassy




Using an alien sensor link Seven is able to locate a Starfleet Vessel in the Alpha Quadrant, they only have 41 minutes to transmit a message and when normal messages degenerate Janeway decides to send the Doctor. However, he arrives on the vessel to discover it has been taken over by the Romulans.

As usual Robert Picardo gives a superb performance and there are some wonderfully funny moments in his scenes with Andy Dick who plays the mark 2 EMH. Loved the idea of the Prometheus being able to split into 3 and fire independently. Voyager could definitely have benefited from this technology. This was a good episode to show how the Doctors programme has developed because he had to think on his feet, and it was nice to see him boasting about his achievements (a very human quality). And he showed compassion when he relayed Starfleets message to Janeway at the end of the episode.

Favourite scene had to be when the two EMHs had taken the ship and were trying to stop it from being taken by the Romulans, it was hilarious seeing them trying to navigate and fire and almost self-destruct the ship. Best quote had to be Doctor "Stop breathing down my neck" EMH 2 "My breathing is merely a simulation" Doctor "So is my neck, stop it anyway."

Other scenes I liked were Janeway lounging on the command chair and telling Chakotay she had been writing letters to home and the way he looks at her in the final scene when she says 60,000 light years, seems a little closer today. We don’t get that many good J/C moments anymore so to get two in one episode was good.

Now on to the nit picks. I’m getting slightly concerned with the way they’re changing Janeway’s char-acter. I know she’s desperate to get her crew home, but is she that desperate that she would risk losing the Doctors programme? Was it really worth the possibility of being stuck in the Delta Quadrant without any medical back up? We don’t even have Kes anymore, I know we’ve got Tom but I don’t think he would make a very good full time medic.

When Seven created a feedback to give the Hirogen a shock all Janeway did was sigh give a look and that was it, if it had been B’Elanna she would probably have had a verbal reprimand.

Also, we have often heard the Doctor say that he has been programmed to cause no harm. Yet on the Prometheus bridge when the mark 2 EMH says to divert power from life support as they don’t need it, he didn’t even bat an eyelid; yet they had 27 unconscious Romulans on board. I could have accepted it if he’d said leave minimal power to life support.

All in all a good sound episode and I’d give it a 9/10.

Jeanette Warran